Sunday, September 11, 2011

I have divided and conquered!


Okay, so let me tell you what happened today.

I knitted all day long.
Seriously. All day.
Because I wanted to get to the point where I had to divide the body and sleeves, the exciting pivotal point of the sweater.
Has this ever happened to you? Where you just want to finish some knitting, or get to a point in your knitting, and you are like, it's only ten more rows? Or five more rows, or two?
Let me tell you. It's never just five more rows, not when your rows are with 200+ stitches! Gosh. It took way longer to get through those last 'just five' rows than I thought. And my hands are aching. But I just had to.
I was really worried when I tried it on before dividing the sleeves and the body that it was going to be really big, because it was looking really big. But at this point, it seems to look pretty good! I'm really more worried about the arms now, because I've got skinny little arms and they might be a bit big. We'll see.

...and yes, I'm wearing my pajamas like in yesterday's picture.

Don't judge me.

PS: I realize I've given you no information yet on the pattern, except I will say its a top down raglan if you haven't figured that out yet.


  1. I don't judge. Pyjamas are good. I'm wearing mine now, and was around 5 minutes after I arrived home from work.
    Wear those pj's with pride, I say.
    Oh..., and the sweater looks great! I totally relate to the need to finish just a few more rows...and the associated finger pain...

  2. that is incredible!!!'s always x amt more rows with me too...

  3. yay! I can't wait to see it finished. The color is so pretty with your skin. But, dang, 200+ rows? that's some perseverance.

  4. cecilia-200+ stitches (not not sure if that was a typo though).

    Thanks everyone!
